Our partners help us promote active outdoor lifestyles in Southern Georgian Bay, educate through environmental data collection, and facilitate cross-cultural, differently-abled and intergenerational learning that celebrates the diversity of Canada's past, present and future.
Canadian Voyageur Brigades has evolved from the 2008 David Thompson Brigade. Through their society, planning and admin support materials, skills, and funds remaining from past brigades are available to support future brigades to ensure that voyageur brigades, and the skills and enjoyment of big canoe paddling will occur, and be passed onto the next generation of paddlers across Canada.
Georgian Bay Biosphere’s vision is to inspire highly collaborative partnerships for learning and action, which enhance our collective capacity to sustain the life and spirit of Georgian Bay. Its mission is to nurture a balance between humans and nature in the Georgian Bay Biosphere region.
Established in 1998, the GBB is a non-profit registered Canadian charity governed by a Board of Directors with an administrative office located in Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada.
In 2004, its grassroots nomination document was accepted by UNESCO as it met strict criteria for designation as a world biosphere.
Water Rangers imagines every waterbody’s community has the tools they need to take care of them. Plus, every lake, river, or stream should have enough data to know whether or not they are healthy. Their ability to design beautifully integrated water testing experiences means that their tools are easy-to-use and accessible. That means custom water quality test kits, an open-data platform to manage data, and specially designed resources so that anyone can get started.
Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation is a non-government charitable organization established in 1998 with the goals of protecting and restoring Lake Huron's coastal environment, and supporting a healthy coastal ecosystem through education, restoration, and research projects. The LHCCC is the only grassroots organization focused on protecting the coastal environment lake-wide; they are the voice for Lake Huron. They currently implement several programs, including Coast Watchers Citizen Science, Shoreline Cleanups, the Microplastic Awareness Project, and the development of a Coastal Action Plan. They also have projects managing invasive species, and restoring coastal wetlands and sand dunes. Outside of our projects we deliver many presentations to youth groups, municipalities, and cottagers’ associations, and have developed a large library of coastal educational materials over the past 20 years.
The Coastal Centre recognizes that its work has to include the economic and social dimensions of sustainability. The Coastal Centre believes that coastal communities cannot have a healthy economy unless they have a healthy environment. To achieve this, the Coastal Centre uses a science-based approach to link academic researchers, local and regional politicians, resource managers, cottagers and municipal staff to improve decision-making and inspire environmental action to safeguard and improve the lake ecosystem.
By supporting the efforts of the Centre, you can help to ensure that we pass on a positive environmental legacy to our future generations.